An avant-garde reality in the field of implantology, BDD Studio Dentistico performs interventions of various kinds.

We perform dental implant surgery in following ways:

Traditional Loading Implantology

The implants are artificial roots used to replace teeth that are fractured or damaged irreparably.

After their insertion into the oral cavity, before their prosthesis, or before they can be used to support the prosthetic crowns, the healing period is expected to last 3-6 months. This period is necessary in order to obtain the so-called “osseointegration” process (the fusion of the bone tissue with the implant).

During the period of bone healing, the implant must not undergo any kind of stress.

This phase allows to obtain the fusion between bone and implant. Only at this point the implant is able to support the mastication loads, succeeding in the replacement of the missing teeth.


Immediate Loading Implantology

If certain requirements are met, some types of implants can be loaded immediately (“Immediate loading implants“) after their insertion with temporary crowns, allowing the patient not to remain without teeth one single day.

In traditional dental implant surgery, the implants (ie the artificial titanium roots) inserted into the bone, before being prosthetic, are subject to osseointegration, that happens in 3-6 months.


The fixed prosthetic products, commonly called “prostheses”, allow to restore and replace missing or strongly compromised teeth.

More and more frequently we use products made from zirconium or disilicate that, for obvious aesthetic reasons, tend to replace ceramic metal.

Technological innovations are improving the comfort even for patients wearing non-fixed prostheses.

Thus, for example, implants can be used to make the mobile prostheses more stable or, alternatively, where more implants can be inserted, the removable prostheses can become fixed (Toronto type prostheses).

During the study of prostheses BDD Studio Dentistico Milano usesthe intraoral scanner  TRIOS 3Shape.