Dr. Salvatore Bongiovanni

Born on August 20 1989 in Santo Stefano Quisquina (AG).

Has graduated in Dentistry at the l’Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio in Madrid (Spain) in 2016.

Internship at Alfonso X El Sabio Clinic (2010 – 2016)

  • shift work in the dental first aid department
  • working experience within the Special Odontostomatological Pathology, Periodontology, Pediatric Dentistry, Conservative-Endodontics, Prosthetics, Oral Surgery, Orthodontics departments.

Has attended several courses in different fields of dentistry.

Member of ANDI Young from 2017 till 2022.

Nr. 6001 within the Professional Register of Surgeons and Dentists based in Milan.

He is available for appointments at BDD Dental Clinic – Alzaia Naviglio Grande 38, Milan.